Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions.
Consumers care about the welfare of food animals whose product may eventually end up on their table. This leads consumers to ask questions about how their food is raised, in this instance, beef. In order to provide consumers with answers, many restaurants, food service, and retailers adopt and implement animal welfare programs.
Aug 1 2021The summer heat is bearing down across the nation. With the summer heat comes the concern for animal welfare, specifically towards cattle in feedlots. With rising temperatures and high humidity, cattle are more prone to heat stress. This concern increases when winds die down reducing air movement.
May 6 2021In rare situations when the beef industry finds itself the subject of disparaging headlines, it is generally successful in combating misinformation with factual, positive messaging.
Apr 29 2021Quality assurance programs are all too familiar across the beef industry. Typically, these programs are discussed at the food product plants where we are working to maintain the quality of product after the animal is harvested.
However, what about before the animal is harvested? Does how we raise and handle the animal before harvest affect the quality of the beef? Yes.
BQA certificateClick below to find out more on how to become BQA certified in Nebraska!
newspaper(content)Stay up to date with all the latest Nebraska BQA information and upcoming events delivered straight to your inbox.
logo-google-talk(logos)BQA concerns itself with practices throughout the production process, mainly dealing with animal health, food safety and product quality. No matter what the segment, from the cow-calf producer to the dinner plate, each step affects quality as well as the eating satisfaction of consumer.
BQA works with veterinarians and extension educators to conduct trainings for feedlots, livestock auction markets, anybody who handles cattle frequently. We train people and keep them updated on latest animal health issues, products, and practices.