Effective 10/17/2022, 1140.020.00 Mid-Certification Reviews policy was updated in the SNAP manual to remove the use or acceptance of any other application or form in place of the Mid-Certification Review/Report Form (FA-546, MCR). Staff can also no longer accept a MCR for use as a new application when a participant’s case has been closed and cannot be reopened.

By removing other forms for use in place of the MCR, it will:

Over 75% of QC errors with MCRs involve the agency failing to follow up on incomplete or inconsistent information received on the MCR. SNAP applications rely on an interview and submitting a new application does not provide all of the information requested on the MCR. Staff should no longer accept the FS-1 in place of the MCR.

If the MCR is due and an Application for SNAP (FS-1) is received, review 1120.035.00 Applications More Than 60 Days Prior to Last ATP for how to handle applications received outside of the 60 day timeframe prior to the recertification period. If the application should be rejected, a FA-546 should be reprinted and sent to the participant with the IM-2MCR Mid-Certification Review Request along with the IM-112 Action Taken on Your SNAP Case.

Example 1: Jesse C. submitted an FS-1 online on 10/10/2022. His case is active and the Eligibility Unity Summary (EUSUMM) screen shows his certification is active through 4/2023 with a Mid-Cert Review date of 10/1/2022. As it is not within 60 days of Jesse’s certification end date, his application is desk rejected. An IM-112 is generated with the proper rejection reason. With the IM-112, an IM-2MCR and FA-546 are sent. Upon review of the TA/MA/FS Review History (REINVEST) screen, the IM-2MCR gives Jesse until 10/31/2022 to return the MCR.

Example 2: Cassie S. calls the customer service center on 11/28/2022. She states she just opened her mail and had several notices regarding her SNAP case and the MCR. The automated system told her that her SNAP case is closed. She began filling out a new FS-1 online. Cassie’s SNAP case was closed and her last SNAP benefit was received in 11/2022. Advise Cassie that even though her case is closed, the case can be reopened if she turns in a new MCR before 11/30/2022. If she has her MCR, direct her to fill it out as soon as possible and provide Cassie with the options for returning the form. If Cassie does not have the MCR, a new copy should be generated and mailed to her. If she chooses to complete a new FS-1, it will be used for a new eligibility determination once her interview is completed. The options discussed with Cassie should be noted in the eligibility system.

If a SNAP case is closed due to the MCR not being received, the MCR should no longer be used to help a participant reapply for SNAP benefits if it is received after the timeframe to cancel close the SNAP case. The MCR form does not meet the definition of an application for SNAP benefits since the MCR does not inform participants of the rights they have when applying. Participants needing to reapply must submit a new FS-1.

Example: Pilot S’s SNAP case closed on 10/27/2022 due to failure to return the MCR (reason closing code REI). On 11/2/2022, a completed FA-546 is received. A review of Pilot’s Payment History (PAYHIST) screen shows his last SNAP benefit was issued 10/2022. His case cannot be cancel closed, and an FS-1 should be sent for him to reapply. Case notes should be made noting the receipt of the completed late FA-546 and the sending of a new FS-1.